
This website is all Brenner's idea. The purpose of this website is, simply put, enlightenment. In order to ensure that our brains don't fester in the ennui and lethargy that is summer vacation, we are going to recommend books and sometimes movies to one another that we can read or watch individually, then discuss. Although it is strongly encouraged that the literary and cinematic works that we recommend to each other embody an American Studies theme, it is not required. Also, try to recommend something that will appeal to everyone using this website; that means nothing too disturbing, morbid, or depressing (which is tragic for know me, right?) I have even added a miscellaneous blog if you have anything, anything at all, that you would like to share with your ex-classmates. That particular folder is for any kind of discussion; if you would like to share an interesting summer story or even talk about the dog you just bought, don't hesitate to post.

1. When posting, please TYPE OUT ALL THE WORDS. You just seem like such an idiot if you insist on abbreviating every single word on the planet just because there are fewer letters to type. I mean, is typing two more letters to spell "you" instead of "u" really that big of a deal? Simple cyberspace abbreviations such as "lol" and "omg" are okay, but only if you keep them to a minimal level.

2. Don't flood the site with pointless posts.

Other than that, you're pretty much free to do whatever you want.

Have fun.

-Jung Ha